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什么是amazon FBA?FBA,亚马逊履行,是指亚马逊提供的仓储配送服务。
真诚地为此次国际物流与DHL、UPS等国际快递公司深入合作,为美国和英国的亚马逊卖家提供FBA head服务。您可以通过诚信快递、空运、海运等方式将您的货物送到亚马逊海外仓库。
1. 亚马逊仓库价格快递(请咨询其他国家业务经理)
2. 如果是空运或海运到亚马逊,请直接联系我们的业务经理
4. 在清关和清税过程中,使用客户自己的增值税账户进行清关。如果客户没有英国增值税账户,我公司也可以提供“英国增值税账户注册”增值服务。税金计算:空运英国税金计算:税金=关税+增值税
(一)有价证券和易丢失的贵重物品,如提单、核销单、护照、配额证明、许可证、执照、个人证件、汇票、发票、国内外货币(现金)、金银饰品、人造珠宝、手机等。b .易燃易爆、腐蚀性、有毒,酸,碱,和放射性的各种危险品,如:火柴、雷管、火药、烟花爆竹、汽油、柴油、煤油、酒精(液体和固体)、硫酸、盐酸、硝酸、有机溶剂、农药和其他化学工业出版社中列出的“实用手册》危险化学品的化工产品。(三)砷、鸦片、吗啡、可卡因、海洛因、大麻等各种剧毒、麻醉药品和精神药品。(四)国家法律禁止流通、运输的文物、武器、弹药、仿真武器等物品。(五)含有反动、淫秽、不雅内容的报纸、图书、图片、宣传资料、音像制品、激光视盘(VCD、DVD、LD)、计算机磁盘、cd-rom。(六)妨碍公共卫生的,包括骨头(包括烧焦的骨头)、未制革的兽皮、未配制药品的骨头等。G.动物、植物及其标本。含有难以辨认成分的白色粉末。一、私人信件等。



Since ancient times, shipping and air transportation have always been the mainstream transportation channels. In order to better serve cross-border merchants, our company has established long-term cooperative relations with a number of well-known shipping companies, and specially launched high-quality express service for American ocean shipping line. Zhongxun international logistics to the United States shipping delivery time guarantee, package tracking, safety and security, cheap price, is a cost-effective service line.





By relying on independently developed logistics system and intelligent logistics equipment to build a scientific and technological logistics system, we can provide high-quality, affordable, efficient and stable international logistics services and solutions for China's cross-border e-commerce exporters, foreign traders and individual sellers, so as to make your foreign trade more secure and worry free.
If you are an amazon, we highly recommend using amazon's FBA service
What is amazon FBA? FBA, Fulfillment by Amazon, means the warehouse and delivery service provided by Amazon.
What benefits do amazon FBA bring to us amazon sellers? First, FBA could boost the listing's sales by 2-10 times. Since FBA business can not only bring revenue and profit to amazon, but also improve its customer experience, amazon will pour more traffic to FBA sellers. Secondly, FBA customer service team will take the initiative to help you delete the poor evaluation of FBA products in terms of logistics, so as to reduce the poor evaluation rate of logistics. Thirdly, the delivery time of the goods has been greatly improved, which can not only improve the customer experience, but also increase the retention rate, improve the account's favorable rating and overall performance, and finally increase the weight of the whole account. Finally, through FBA, you can save the storage cost in China, simplify the warehouse staff, and finally save the cost!
Sincerely for this international logistics and DHL, UPS and other international express in-depth cooperation, for the United States and the United Kingdom of amazon sellers to provide FBA head service. You can deliver your goods to amazon overseas warehouse by sincere express, air and sea.
1. Send the price of amazon warehouse by express (please consult the business manager in other countries)
2. If it is sent to amazon by air or sea, please contact our business manager directly
A. the recipient cannot use the name of Amazon. It is suggested to fill in the name of the sender or the name of the carrier. B. Inform relevant personnel of our company 2 days in advance; C. The invoice must be filled with the indication whether the tariff is prepaid or not (DDP in the "shipment terms" of the invoice template is the prepaid tariff).
4. During customs clearance and tax clearance, use the customer's own VAT account for customs clearance. If the customer does not have a UK VAT account, our company can also provide value-added service of "UK VAT account registration". Tax calculation: air freight UK tax calculation: tax = customs duty + VAT
Tariff = declared value * tariff rate
VAT = (declared value + freight + customs duty) *20%
A. Negotiable securities of inestimable value and valuables that are easily lost, such as bills of lading, verification slips, passports, quota certificates, permits, licenses, personal documents, bills of exchange, invoices, domestic or foreign currencies (cash), gold and silver ornaments, artificial jewelry, mobile phones. B. flammable and explosive, corrosive, toxic, acid, alkaline, and radioactive all kinds of dangerous goods, such as: matches, detonator, gunpowder, fireworks, petrol, diesel, kerosene, alcohol (liquid and solid), sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, organic solvents, pesticides, and other listed in the chemical industry publishing house "practical manual" hazardous chemicals in the chemical products. C. All kinds of strong poisons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, such as arsenic, opium, morphine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, etc. D. Articles prohibited by state laws from circulation or shipment, such as cultural relics, weapons, ammunition, imitation weapons, etc. E. Newspapers, books, pictures, publicity materials, audio-visual products, laser video discs (VCD, DVD, LD), computer disks and cd-roms containing reactionary, obscene or indecent contents. F. Obstructing public health, such as bones (including burned bones), skins of animals that have not been tanned, bones of animals that have not been prepared with medicine, etc. G. animals, plants and their specimens. H. white powder with unrecognizable ingredients. I. personal letters, etc.

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    • 从事集装箱公路运输多年,积累了丰富的行业经验,目前拥有100多辆整车和固定合作用车。我们可为您提供整箱柜、带发电机的冷藏柜、散货货车及海关监管车辆系列运输服务。具备较强的运力,在旺季还能保证您的出货计划顺利实施吗
    • 我们拥有一批专业的人才,致力于商业项目的运营,根据实际情况和客户的不同需求,制定严格、科学的解决方案。通过整合资源,降低货代企业的成本,使企业能够实现物流的节约型、快速化、高效流通。主要服务项目:代理各大港口货物的进口清关业务,为客户提供全方位的专业服务,主要业务包括木材、家具、咖啡、红酒、化工、食品、私人物品、杂货等进口报关代理
    • 公司自成立以来,不断致力于提高业务能力、工作效率和员工素质,以良好的敬业精神和先进的服务意识,在各方面确立了自己的优势。代理商出口商品数量不断增加。市场份额飞速增长。公司坚持“以人为本”的原则,实践公司与员工共同发展,谋求与客户实现双赢的目标,得到了客户、航运公司和航空公司的大力支持和好评。
      • 实践公司与员工共同发展
      • 代理各大港口货物的进口清关业务。
      • 诚信、品质、快捷、安全,是我们长期追求服务的宗旨和最终追求。
    • “公司全体员工将以商品、经营、服务为核心,以最优质的服务和合理的价格,为客户提供全方位、全天候、高效、无缝的贴心服务。
    • 公司主要从事国际海运、空运、内贸海运等物流运输服务,包括订舱、中转、仓储、集装箱拆装、装配、报关、保险、挂车等多式联运服务及代理进出口业务。近年来,公司更致力于推进保税仓库、仓储物流管理以及在欧美、DDP、DDU等方面的服务。。


    1. 优化运输方案,最合理的运输成本,确保客户的要求符合我们的服务标准。
    2. 目前,区域区域航空运输网络已日趋成熟,区域进出口总额已大幅增加。同时,随着航线的不断拓展,我公司在全球已经发展了168多家代理商和分支机构,通过这些代理商和分支机构,我们可以及时、准确地为客户提供他们需要的各种海外服务。包括代理清关送货、上门服务、代收运费或其他根据客户要求提供的服务。
    3. 主要从事进出口货物的国际运输,包括:海运进出口业务、空运进出口业务、大型工程运输、陆运业务、拖车业务、代理订舱业务、报关、商检、保险等服务及相关进出口贸易运输咨询业务。
      1. 货代业务精通企业
      2. 拥有丰富的物流项目运营经验,已发展成为集货运代理业务、报关业务、报检应用、运输仓储、金融供应链服务于一体的大型物流企业。以资源整合为基础,以物流产业链优化为手段,以综合物流服务为支撑。
      3. 与国内外多家船务公司和我公司航空货运公司保持了长期稳定的合作关系,包括马士基航运、南美船舶、长荣海运、阳明海运、法国达飞、明星航运等。优势航线分布于欧洲、地中海、澳大利亚、中东、印度和巴基斯坦、红海、非洲、美洲等地。
    4. 从事国内海运航空,以及相关仓储、装卸、报关、船舶航空代理、国际货运代理、物流解决方案等。建设覆盖华南大部分地区的物流运营,拥有完善的全球代理网络,能够高效地完成国外清关配送服务。。
    5. 公司将以建立现代化物流企业为目标,竭诚为国内外客户提供全面、高效、完善的综合物流服务。
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